Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The Kneecap Dream

I had a dream where I lost both of my kneecaps. Where my knees should have been there were round flatnesses and some redness not unlike what mastectomies must look like although probably not as dramatic. (I am not going to look them up on Google.) I could still walk normally and there was no pain. My dream took a turn towards a coffee party with strangers where we talked about light fixtures. I finally mentioned I had lost my kneecaps and my comrade at the time said I should look for them and she would would help me. We were in the city at first but in a few moments we were out in the country on a dirt road. My companion finally pointed at the ground and there they were: two lumps on the ground like biscuits without enough leavening. They snapped back on like Mr. Potato Head® parts but without the pegs. I looked up to thank my guide and perhaps inquire how she knew where they were but she was gone. I woke up.

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